What is Depression?
Depression is not just feeling down it is a serious illness that can have an impact on your life. Depression is a state of poor mental health or emotional wellbeing.
Good mental health allows you to:
- realise your own abilities
- cope with normal stresses of life
- contribute productively to your community
- enjoy meaningful relationships with family and friends.
- have a full and creative life.
People already suffering from depression or other mental health issues are also at risk of suicidal thinking.
How can Mura Kosker help?
If you believe that a loved one is suffering from Depression, we can help provide you with the tools and resources you may need to be able to connect with them.
If you believe that you are suffering from Depression and need help, Mura Kosker can provide:
- Counselling support for you and your family
- Assistance with navigating professional services and help
- Cultural and spiritual support
- Practical tips and advice for dealing with Depression
- Helpful tools and resources to get you back on track
Depression & Suicide Prevention
Usually depression is not the result of a single event. There are a number of things that can put someone at greater risk of developing a depressive disorder.
Chemical changes happen in the brain when someone is severely depressed however it is not always possible to explain why certain people suffer from depression.
Events such a relationship ending could trigger a depressive disorder. Some of the things that put people at greater risk of depression include:
- limited access to adequate food, clothing and shelter
- alcohol and drug use issues
- family history that includes depression
- a personality tendency to worry and feel anxious about everything
- having a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia
- extreme stress
Download our guide to Depression and Suicide Prevention for more information.
How to identify Depression in a loved one?
Sometimes people are not even aware of how depressed and/or suicidal their thinking has become. How you respond can really make a difference to someone who is depressed or suicidal. Your support could help someone.
Someone experiencing Depression may say that nothing gives them any sense of joy and they may burst into tears for no reason. Someone suffering from depression can lose all joy and happiness from food, exercise, work and hobbies. In fact, some people say they cannot even taste food. While some people may lose their appetite completely, others may begin to binge eat.
Suicidal thoughts can arise when someone is depressed. The person may talk about ‘ending it all’ or they may become totally withdrawn. They may feel pre-occupied with their problems and overwhelmed with
hopelessness and think that suicide is the only option left.
What if I'm feeling Depressed?
Living with someone who is in a state of depression can be very difficult for those who love them. If you believe you are depressed or experiencing suicidal thoughts, make contact with someone to let them know you are feeling unwell.
Remember if the first person you tell is unable to offer help, talk to another loved one or friend. Talk about what’s bothering you and why you’re feeling down. Talking can help. If you don’t have a loved one to speak to, we are here if you need us.
Looking for more?
You can find lots of information and resources in our blog
Helplines & Support Services
13 11 14
Provides free support for people experiencing personal crisis. Their services include mental health support, suicide prevention services, and emotional assistance.
Relationships Australia (RAQ)
1300 364 277
Relationships Australia is a community-based Australian organisation that provides relationship support services for individuals, families and communities.
Wakai Waian Healing
1800 732 850
Wakai Waian provides psychological and counselling services to the Torres Strait region.
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
Suicide Call Back Service is a nationwide service that provides professional 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people who are affected by suicide.